In January 2017, EJP changed its policy to integrate a stronger focus on Open Science practices in the goals and guidelines of the journal. We are happy to share with you some of the progress that has been made in little over a year.
Of all the empirical articles that were submitted in 2017, 62,5% had either an Open Material badge, an Open Data badge, or both, compared to only 40,9% of the articles submitted in 2016.
Even more interesting is that 46,7% of the articles published in 2017 received one or more open science badges – compared to only 2,4% of the ones published in 2016!
Another very hopeful trend is that of the articles that were published in 2017 and received one or more badges, most of these received both an Open Data and Open Material badge.
Note. The 46% in the left pie represents all articles with one or more badges.