The European Journal of Personality promotes the development of all areas of current empirical and theoretical personality psychology. Welcome to the EJP Blog, the landing page for news related to the European Journal of Personality.

Call for reviewers for the European Journal of Personality

EJP is looking for reviewers. Check out the call from Editor-in-Chief, René Mõttus, below!

If you have not recently, or ever, reviewed for European Journal of Personality (EJP) but would like to be occasionally invited to review, then please let us know about your areas of expertise using this link.

If you have reviewed for EJP, but would like to update your reviewer information (email, areas of expertise), please also follow this link.

We are very grateful for your willingness to review for EJP, because we could not run the journal without our reviewers' support.


René Mõttus, Editor of European Journal of Personality

A conversation with Naemi Brandt

Some news from the European Journal of Personality